In my role as District Rotarian FB chair and Gosportarian I
went to Albania to document and film 6,400 shoeboxes being
delivered to local schools around Korce in Albania |
On arrival back from Albania, the
Gosportarians put on a free Christmas meal for 65 elderly,
lonely and vulnerable people at Jervis Gallery |
We also sang to help Les Heyhoe and his
Christmas Party at Sultan Dec 2016 |
and had a great time singing! |
With the money I raised with my two
Christmas CD's we bought food for the foodbank |
We supported the Lions with their Chinese New Year
celebrations Jan 2017 |
Donation of £50 from our DJ Dell
at the Christmas Party to GAFIRS January 2017 |
We supported ASDA with their Tickled Pink
cancer research charity April 2017 |
Chat needed finance to buy a banner....
April 2017 |
We filmed the Falklands Anniversay Memorial
for the Borough May 2017 |
We helped local group Free from Gravity, put
on a concert to help the homeless |
Collecting money for the Givegain Grow
charity March 2017 |
We donated DVD's to Hasleworth School and in
return they laminated for us. Apr 2017 |
I am chair of the Sir Norman Wisdom Memorial
Trust for which Glenn raises money |
The Lions, Masons and Gosportarians got
together to lauch Lacey-Love's charity CD |
Lions Charter Evening at the Masonic hall |
We regularly join forces with litterpickers
to help clean up the Borough |
Asked to act as marshalls to the May Queen
we were delighted to help |
We were formed to help the Mayor's charities
and were invited to her installation |
We sponsor a young girl, Mercy through the
Beattie Trust in Kenya |
Supporting both Rowner Community and Church
May 2017 |
Supporting ASDA community champions at
Totton Carnival Southampton June 2017 |
Helping the Lions at Sultan Show June 2017 |
After Music Madness we celebrated with a meal at the
Roundabout Hotel June 2017 |
ASDA and the Gosportarians volunteered to do the catering
for the RN Archers International Archery Competition at HMS
Sultan July 2017 |
A new date in your diary for all you Mums & Dads with
children looking for family fun. Come and join us at Walpole
Park South by the children's play area for a few hours of
fun and games at Pudsey's "Picnic in the Park" in aid of
"Children In Need" from 11am - 2pm. Come and meet Pudsey and
join in the games. Bring a picnic and enjoy the fresh air
while contributing a little to our ASDA/Gosportarians
Children In Need appeal 2017. |
A wonderful day at bridgemary carnival July 2017 |
"Find my Club" event July 29th moved from Walpole Park to
"Driftwood" Stokes Bay Festival site.
Great news! We have been given permission to use part of the
Driftwood Music Festival site for our "Find my Club" Event.
Following crtitsisms that our events clash with others
around Gosport, we will not now be using Walpole Park,
because we have managed to secure part of the Driftwood
Festival site to host our event, which means even more
traffic through to see your interests. Set
up times remain the same, from 7am - 9am with the event from
10am - 4pm. There is on site parking for cars and we can
even use the main show stage for any performers who wish to
take the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. The
stage will be available from 10am - 12.30 pm. If you wish to
use the stage please let me know so we can arrange timings.
We also helped out at the cash desk, taking monies from the
visitors. |
Leesland Litterpick |
It was a pleasure to represent the Gosportarians at the
Gosport Cruising Club's annual BVUK (formally St Dunstans)
cruise out into the Solent yesterday. I was Roger the cabin
boy onboard the catermaran "Singing Wind ", owned by my good
friends Dell and Linda, who have been taking the blind
veterans on similar trips for over 20 years. 18 veterans
turned up to HQ and we took 3 on board, from Northern
Ireland, Birmingham and Brighton and had a great morning's
cruising. August 2017 |
We attended the Gosporteers Car Rally on August Bank Holiday
to see if we could offer any support and assisitance for
next year. |
We took a stall at Leesland's ParkFest to promote our
activities |
We started our shoebox appeal around schools and the Trash
Cafe not yet targeted to add to Gosport Rotary's shoe box
appeal. |
We donated £100 each to Oakley Waterman and Lullaby trusts |
We exhibited at the Michaelmas Fayre |
We made several visits to GiveGainGrow during the year, and
donated £300 worth of garden implements to use. |
We met up with Stephen from Pals society who has set up a
workshop to train young people to make, repair and dismantle
computers and donated to their stock |
We were at ASDA Gosport and Fareham for Tickled Pink |
We were ASDA's Pudsey assistants going around the schools |
We had a stall at the Tree lighting ceremony in the High
Street and I sang on stage |
Loud & Proud added to our shoebox
collections from schools individuals and organisations |
With proceeds from the Dog Show we donated £500 worth of
food and containers to the Stubbington Ark after their food
supply was contaminated |
November saw the start of our
Christmas schedule, with a spot at Gunwharf singing to raise
money for the Air Ambulance. It looks deserted, was bitterly
cold, but raised £50 in an hour |
December arrived and marked the
start of 24 days straight out on the sleigh, raising nearly
£4,000 for worthy causes. We bought an old sleigh from the
Gosporteers and HMS Sultan turned the ugly ducking into our
swan |