SUMMER FESTIVAL July 23rd 2022
Our Summer
Festival this year will be as good as we can make it.
Entrance is £1 per person with under 5's free. What do you get
for your money? You can watch or participate in our dog show,
with 18 classes.
1 Pedigree AV Puppy
2 Pedigree AV Sporting
3 Pedigree AV Open
4 Pedigree AV Veteran
5 Junior handler
6 Best NP Puppy
7 Best NP Veteran
8 Handsomest Dog
9 Prettiest Bitch
10 Best Re-Home
11 Most appealing eyes
12 Most like owner
13 Waggiest Tail
14 Best long hair
15 Best short hair
16 Judge’s Favourite
17 Non winner Dog/Bitch
18 Scruffiest Mutt
Pedigree best in show
Crossbreeds best in show
Entries are £2 per dog and all monies
go to "Tickled Pink" breast cancer.
You can see all the cars on show at the other end of the field
assembling for our car show. Entries are £2 per car and all
monies to Prostate cancer.
You can watch free music and dance all day with fabulous acts
10am James Westerby
10.30am Stageskool
11am The Faux Shadows
11.45am SUKI
12.15pm Chevvy 55
1pm Stageskool
1.45pm The Faux Shadows
2.30pm Suki
3pm Chevvy 55
4pm close
This was a sample of the Faux Shadows last year
You can come into the flower tent and make posies to take home
The bouncy castles and go karts are free to children!!!
Our Summer Festival last year at Walpole Park on July 17th was a great
success, welcoming close to 2,000 people throughout the day, offering a
dog show, a car show, flower arranging, baking, music stage and free
children's entertainment - all for £1 per adult entry. We raised £1800
for our two charities - ASDA's "Tickled Pink" breast cancer and our own
Prostate testing charity PcaSo